It’s been on my heart to write about toxic chemicals and greenwashing. And the companies that want us to think they are looking out for our best interest.
It amazes me how many toxic products exist and are available to us. They try to sell us on the idea that they provide a good product. There are hundreds of commercials out there trying to convince you to buy the product to make your house smell good or clean your clothes.
What they don’t tell you is what is in the product to make it do what they are advertising. They make put an appealing “green” label on it to make you think it’s good for you.
The reality is the companies are out to make a profit, and if they can make you a repeat customer then the money keeps coming in. They aren’t looking out for your health just their bottom line. But they will sell you the product under the guise that it’s healthy.
Somehow there are hundreds of chemicals and food products that are banned in Europe but allowed in the United States. The “protection” agencies allow these banned ingredients here.
Ingredients that cause cancer, breathing difficulties, memory loss, heart problems, birth defects, autoimmune diseases, fertility, hormone disruptions, kidney damage, inflammation, gut issues, vitamin deficiencies and more are allowed to be in our foods, personal care products, household products and more.
The only person who will look out for you is you. Do your self a favor and read the labels of the products you purchase. Search the ingredients, you will likely be surprised by what you will find.
Fertility issues have skyrocketed. For me this one hits close to home. Throughout our fertility journey I learned a lot about the foods and products I was exposing my body to and the impact that was having. The journey to remove those toxins from our lives is a process but the last thing I want to do now is expose my baby to ingredients that could harm her.
Let’s about the product you use to clean your floors, what is the ingredient list like? Now you walk around barefoot and your feet absorb all the ingredients that are in that floor cleaner. Have kids and pets running around, they are going to absorb it too.
Our feet are connected to every part of our bodies. It’s like a map. Your brain is your big toe, your lungs are next to the balls of our feet and your digestive track is on the lower half of your foot.
If the cleaning product you use contains an ingredient that has been linked to cancer, it’s now all over the bottom of your food being absorbed into your whole body from the links in your feet. And your kids and pets bodies too.